Why Open Source

Better software, shorter development times, and very important -Lower Cost

Why Open Source

The Open Source Movement has allowed smaller businesses to participate in the global economy. Before smaller businesses did not have access to the software needed to participate or compete in the global market. It was the larger corporations, the producers of the networks and software who had the power. The creation of the Open Source Movement has created a degree of global computing access that might have been unthinkable in a world where proprietary was the only option. Individuals or organizations with access to an open source had the means needed to develop technical material for a variety of consumers. The Open Source Movement created equal opportunities for people all over the world to participate in the global economy.

  • The collaborative nature of the open source community creates software that can be customized and, as a result, promotes the adoption of its products.
  • The open source community promotes the creation of software that is not proprietary, resulting in lower costs.
  • Individuals who have intrinsic interest in code writing and software creation motivate the development of open source software within the community. This differs from proprietary software, which is often motivated through potential monetary gains.
  • An open source tool puts the system administrator in control of the level of risk assumed in deploying the tool.
  • Open source provides flexibility not available in closed products. The hope is that individuals make improvements to an open tool and will offer those improvements to the original developer and community at large. The give-and-take of the gift economy benefits the entire community.
  • Open source licenses and software can be combined with proprietary software. While open source was initially seen as a threat to corporations, some companies found ways to strengthen their proprietary code with open source code, re-releasing it as an improvement.
  • In the event of market failure, programmers and innovators work together to make sure that the software still works

A major advantage to open source code is the ability for a variety of different people to edit and fix problems and errors that have occurred. Naturally because there are more people who can edit the material there are more people who can help make the information more credible and reliable. The open source mission statement promises better quality, higher reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to predatory vendor lock-in. They stress the importance of maintaining the Open Source Definition. This trademark creates a trusted group that connects all users and developers together.